Six of our pedigree Oxford sandy and Black weaners went off to the Royal Highland Show last week, where they were on the Rare Breeds Survival Trust stand promoting the “Choose Pedigree Pork” Initiative. RBST along with the BPA are trying to ensure that people who want to eat the finest pork, (pork that comes from outdoor reared, pedigree, rare breed animals), can find where to get it. Hence the initiative. It is a long overdue campaign as we need more people to taste pork as it is supposed to be, because once they try it they will never look back! More sales equals more pigs, more pigs leads to more keepers and breeders, and the more we have the better the long term future for these great native breeds. Our girls were very popular as you would expect, and we had a lot of discussions with people who were interested in Pork, pigs and rare breeds in general!
On the home front however, slightly less good news. Following on from the disappearing ducks, we have now been hit by disappearing hens and the numbers have dwindled alarmingly leading to a shortage of eggs. The culprit was seen in broad daylight walking around – obviously a vixen with cubs is somewhere nearby and she has been coming to us for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.
Our new Bull arrived last week and has moved in with the “ladies” – although he has to do a bit of practice on his chat-up lines because they are singularly unimpressed at the moment. We will keep you posted, but he came with a steer who is now fattening himself on our grass and who will hopefully provide us with our first lot of marbled, pasture fed beef sometime next year.
And lastly, THE BACON IS HERE!!! our first lot of Bacon is in town – we have 9 different packs – Back (see picture above), Streaky and Farmhouse or Collar bacon, each with three different cures – smoky, sweet and pale. For those not familiar with Collar, it used to be a very popular cut but it is fattier than normal back – think of it as a cross between streaky and back. So you will get the higher meat content of back with more fat running through. We can’t wait to try it, and to hear what you think of it!
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